Monday, May 10, 2010

So... I started my crochet life with one stitch, I have made toques scarves etc. for years. They got boring, I will still do of course but creatures are just so much more fun! I started with the birds, but got the pattern of a site on the internet. When I made my first beaver it was a bit of trial and error as I made the pattern myself.

Then the stupid oylimpics were comming to town, and I had promised myself not to do anything for them. But when the RTS gallery(squamish) and Evolution(Whistler) wanted some Canadian cheeer I made the Canadian beaver!
I guess I'm new to this blogging thing my photos go to the top of the page.. hmm.. You will have to refer to the top to see the Canadians.
Get your own costum beaver dressed however you want $30 from me!
Business beaver and nerd beaver comming soon.
Also cocks comming soon too....