Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In just a few short days I will get to be with my family again, it has been almost one year since I saw them last.
I will be flying home to Ontario on Friday. I am so excited I can hardly sit still, I have at least 5 daily bursts of excitment that spill over into my daily functions making them nearly IMPOSSIBLE. All will be well when I land in T.O and have both my parents arms around me. How special those moments always are to me and they go by so quickly before I know it I only have a few shorts days until I leave them again, and another LONG year to wait.. I need to get home more often to give love to my soul and my families as well.
I hope they are prepared for so many of those hugs, I think I may just hold them the entire time I am home with them.
My mother has already planned my whole trip I think full of geocaching, boating overnight trips and just lots of quality time. I think the only day that is still empty on her agenda is June 24th, though I'm sure it has something fun in that slot by now.
The one thing that will just not be the same this year is that all my family pets have made thier finally trip to doggie or kittie happy land. Every year seeing them was awesome! I think of my family dog Zephie ALL the time. I wish I would have taken more photos of her when I had the chance. Then there was BootSauce, what can I say she was a fantastic cat. I got her when I was working at the Vet in Midland. She came in to be put down because her stupid useless owner was moving to an apartment and no longer wanted her. I took the losers money and keep her for myself. She lived with me until I moved out west and then she stayed with my Parents. The house will feel empty without them..
My brother and Sheri live in the basement and have a cat named shadow. She has no idea how much love is comming her way!

Hug your family and tell them you LOVE them.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

People SUCK!

So, its been really rainy for the past two weeks and if its not raining its overcast. The sun has shown its face a few times but nothing long lasting...
Until yesterday, She come out so that everyone could enjoy mother nature. Today its back to the way it was, I hit the park for a play with my Vincent this morning, and I felt let down by the population. Mother Nature gives us a gift of sun and how do WE humans repay her? We hang out at her lakes and smoke and litter. We throw our butts in the water and leave crushed beer cans in the bush and all over the grass, when there is a garbage can a few steps away. If our floating device recives a puncture from our drunken stooper of a life we don't throw it away or recycle it we leave it on the beach for nature to try and deal with.
I know some of US are not all bad and we try our best, but even the grass eating Vegan has to have thier food shipped for far and wide so that they can believe they are compassionate??

I hope mother nature KICKS all our buts! We need to Wake up and treat her with the LOVE she deserves. Maybe she will kill us all and the planet can begin to heal and the animals can live free once again.