Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Summer of Bombs

I hear by declare this the summer of Hayley!
For those of you that watch Seinfeld I hope my outcome is better then George's.

Anyway some pretty exciting bombs planned for the summer!

First: The Whistler arts council has asked me to bomb three light post in the Village right in front of the Millennium Place!  They will be up for Art walk which runs from July 1st to Aug 31st. I will supply a link below.

Second: The festival Bass Coast which happens every year in the Squamish. Amazing event, which gets better every year.  This year they have nicely asked me to do an art bomb instillation!!  I have no idea what I am going to do for this one. I will have to get on site to see what can be bombed! Link below.

I appreciate these opportunities, but have a small amount of panic attached.

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa(nervous laughter)
