Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Summer of Bombs

I hear by declare this the summer of Hayley!
For those of you that watch Seinfeld I hope my outcome is better then George's.

Anyway some pretty exciting bombs planned for the summer!

First: The Whistler arts council has asked me to bomb three light post in the Village right in front of the Millennium Place!  They will be up for Art walk which runs from July 1st to Aug 31st. I will supply a link below.

Second: The festival Bass Coast which happens every year in the Squamish. Amazing event, which gets better every year.  This year they have nicely asked me to do an art bomb instillation!!  I have no idea what I am going to do for this one. I will have to get on site to see what can be bombed! Link below.

I appreciate these opportunities, but have a small amount of panic attached.

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa(nervous laughter)


Friday, May 25, 2012

So...  I was featured in both of the local newspapers this week, the Pique and the Question as many of you know already.
I very much appreciate people taking an interest in my creative adventures, this is not at all what I expected.  I was quite happy colouring the world for the love of it and not the fame!
Yarn bombing has been around for many years, I am not in a long shot the first to put some yarn around a structure.  
I do however find it so satisfying to go out at night under the cover of darkness only to be adding more colour to objects, for surprises in the morning!
Here are some shots of my most recent adventures.



Thursday, May 3, 2012

I had started a new crochet bomb in the fall on a bridge here in Whislter, B.C.  First it started with a few colours, not really knowing where is would take me.  Three coulours first, then two more, four more and so on.
the bridge is almost covered now and I have four more rounds of colours lying in wait at home. It gets cold sewing them on at night with this cold snap we are getting, the weather says warmth for this weekend so maybe I will get to finish.
Anyway here is the last photo I took, about a week ago.

I am pretty happy with it, and have had so much wonderful feedback.  I thought there may be a few who do not approve of the addition, but I have had no negative comments as of yet.
Hopefully I will finish in the next couple of days.

I have at least two more bombs ready, just waiting for the appropriate time and conditions.



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I had a request awhile back to crochet a pug dog for a friend.  I put it off for about a month, not really knowing where to start.  Considering I make my our pattern or better yet I free hand crochet, so I have to be in the mood.
The mood struck on a rainy morning, which we have been having lots of lately.
First I made the body, then then legs, nose and ears.  Then I got to the head which when completed resembled more of a pig-pug hybrid, or simply a black pig.  
Funny all I had to do was move the eyes to the sides and sew in a brown nose for some contrast and it turned in to a pug.
I think she is pretty special.

Here are two more views.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Crochet bombing

I have caught up on my crocheting for store etc, so I have been doing some different kind of crocheting the last couple days. Crochet bombing!!

Here are some photos.